The world is expensive and full of trash. Capitalism holds you to standards that are unattainable and just flat out extra. Keep up with the Joneses, the Kardashians, the Gaineses, it says with every Facebook ad and Pintrest suggestion. Purge your latest "haul" before next season, make sure to see the newest at Target, etc.
Now I'm not typically one for seasonal home decor, I find it just one more thing to "keep up" on and throw out.
However, the setting I have for work is a home. Though not my home, there are humans that live where I work. These people deserve to feel at home. To feel inspired. To make fun of my crappy crafts. (Something they very much enjoy doing).
"What is Bitzer going to come up with next?"
"I can totally see you staying up all night to work on that."
"Of course you made that."
"You're like an 80 year old grandma."
So where am I going with all of this? Well, to the dollar store. I made it a goal to make a seasonal wreath for the house every month. As always I have a general code of life.
- I don't like spending money.
- I don't like putting things in the land fill unnecessarily.
- I'm kind of lazy.
So this is what I did for Feburary-
I went to the dollar store (now the 1.25 store, thanks Obama #sarcasm) and purchased:
- 1 metal wreath ring
- 2 packages of colored napkins (red and pink)
- I had pipe cleaners at home (cheater!)
- Cut the napkins into strips about a half inch wide as shown. I used about half of each package.
- Use pipe cleaner to twist tie approximately 5 strips napkin, in the middle of the strips, to the wreath ring. (I did not take a picture of this because, ain't nobody have time for that.)
- Put a million napkins strips on the ring.
- Fluff. It's that easy. (It just takes awhile)
The end result I have to say, is not bad! You could do it for any occasion, baby shower, themed party, etc. and it cost under $5.
Though I'm no scientist, I assume paper napkins are easier on the planet then some plastic monstrosity. I will more than likely use the napkins at the end for a horrible paper mache project, you'll have to wait and see.
Follow along if you want to see more $5 crafts, crappy crafts, or just random rambling.